662097 Messiah (Handel)
What You Receive:
The original audio CD plus a 3-digit access code for this CD. This will access and synchronize the corresponding SyncAlong piano files for this CD, which are contained on the CompactFlash card shipped FREE to first-time SyncAlong CD purchasers.
Free Updates to these Piano Files will be issued regularly via this website.
Piano Transcribed & Played by: Christopher T. Sierzchula
The original audio CD plus a 3-digit access code for this CD. This will access and synchronize the corresponding SyncAlong piano files for this CD, which are contained on the CompactFlash card shipped FREE to first-time SyncAlong CD purchasers.
Free Updates to these Piano Files will be issued regularly via this website.
Piano Transcribed & Played by: Christopher T. Sierzchula
SyncAlong CD
Song Listing
1. Messiah No. 2: Comfort Ye My People
2. Messiah No. 3: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted
3. Messiah No. 4: And the Glory of the Lord
4. Messiah No. 11: For Unto Us a Child Is Born
5. Messiah No. 14: And Suddenly There Was With the An
6. Messiah No. 16: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zio
7. Messiah No. 17: He Shall Feed His Flock
8. Messiah No. 19: Behold the Lamb of God
9. Messiah No. 30: Lift Up Your Heads
10. Messiah No. 34a: How Beautiful Are the Feet
11. Messiah No. 36: Why Do the Nations So Furiously Ra
12. Messiah No. 39: Hallelujah
13. Messiah No. 40: I Know That Redeemer Liveth
14. Messiah No. 42: Behold, I Tell You a Mystery/Messi
15. Messiah No. 47: Worthy Is the Lamb - Amen