801300 Chinese Folk Songs
Pianist John Chen
Solo CDs
Song Listing
1. Mountaintop View
2. Love Song Of The Prairie
3. Running Horse Mountain
4. Girl's Lament
5. Wedding Veil
6. Sad, Rainy Day
7. The Sun Came Up Happy
8. Wa-Ha-Ha!
9. White Flower
10. Great Wall
11. Crescent Moon
12. Blue Flower
13. Digging For Potatoes
14. Woven Basket
15. Beating The Wild Hog
16. Little Cowheard
17. Carrying Song
18. Memorial
19. Hand Drum Song
20. Song Of The Clown
21. Jasmine Flower
22. Darkening Sky
23. Northwest Rains
24. Homesick